Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How does getting rewarded through sharing sounds like to you? Join #ChurpChurp today and bring more friends to the community!

How does getting rewarded through sharing sounds like to you? Join #ChurpChurp today and bring more friends to the community!

Dup Dap.Dup Dap.Lub Dup.

Assalamualaikum and Good day to all:)

Tajuk entry kali ini menggambarkan jantung ku yang sedang berdebar-debar menunggu panggilan (kalau dapat).Dapat apa?Haaa.ce teka ce teka.Ehe

Ceritanya bermula apabila semalam saya telah menjalani interview di sebuah syarikat pengeluaran barangan seperti mesin-mesin di hospital,Transmedic Group of Company dekat Solaris Dutamas.
If I will be accepted to be part of the team,antara tugas-tugas nya ialah:

Pertama-Teaching the staffs on how to operate those complicated equipment
Kedua-Troubleshooting the machine,if let say ada problem,I have to troubleshoot.Jangan risau,saya akan dikursuskan dulu.Hehe.Takkan la nak memandai kan dah la harga beratus ribu riban.Haihh,mana nak cekau nak ganti tu hoi.:P
Ketiga-Standby ni ala-ala oncall kalau ada kes.

If I will be accepted,I will mainly work in hospital,all around Malaysia.Will have to travel.And even keluar negara pun sebab ada expanding branch in Indon,Vietnam,Hongkong and so on.Ibu pejabatnya di Singapore.

La ni masih belum dapat call atau apa lagi.Sebab dia cakap nak call hari ni kalau dapat.
Tu pasal la dup dap dup dap kat tajuk tu.Dah siap ngan additional sounds lagi.HAHA.
Kalau dapat start esok,working hours from 0830-1730.5days per week.

Saya dengan rendah diri nya memohon kawan-kawan untuk titipkan doa supaya saya diterima berkerja.
I thank you all for the prayers.:)

Satu lagi,kenapa susah sangat nak upload gambar?memang susah ke? 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Visit Melaka,the city of History:)

Assalamualaikum and good day to all.:)

I woke up early today,because I need to fulfill my need which is jogging. Hehe.It has been a while since the last time I jogged,at the park near my home,last time if I am not mistaken in 2010.Huh,tu pasal la badan rasa buntal dan memang tak sihat.Cepat mengah,turun tangga naik tangga dalam rumah pun rasa tercungap-cungap.Memang boleh rasa beza.Everybody needs to have a healthy life style ok,not just for kurus:P
Let's start from now on,be consistent ok?

Okay,banyak mengarut daaa,lari tajuk.
Back to the topic,last weekend my family and I (of course) went to Melaka,or Malacca in English (is it acceptable?) for a day. Actually, my dad ada konvoi kereta ke Melaka,we planned to meet there as mereka bertolak awal.Apart from that kalau nak follow pun for sure tak sempat, konvoi sports cars,about 70 of them.
I drove the others to Melaka,it took us about 1 and half hour.Menagntuk drive masa tu,but yakin boleh kan,so everything gonna be okay.Boleh je nak switch driver,but buat spare my sis untuk time balik.
We also planned to go to Singapore,but HE is the best planner and HE knows best.:)
Tak jadi ke Singapore due to some reasons.hehe

Sampai Melaka,terus ke MIMC (Melaka International Motorsports Circuit).Jangan tak tahuu,Melaka dah maju.Melaka maju 2010.Watched some of them performing,it was great.But my dad was not participating sebab dia cakap sayang,nanti kereta kotor.(It was raining before that and he is very particular in terms of kebersihan kereta,not only his,his daughters' as well)

Then after that, tunggu ketibaan Kak Long and family.Sebab her hubby works till 5pm,they made a move after that.Jalan pulak jam,pukul 10 baru sampai haaaa,bertolak pukul 7 tuu..Hebat!
Program wajib iaitu makan di Medan Ikan Bakar Umbai diteruskan.Here is the place,a must-visit if we went to Melaka.Order macam biasa,siakap bakar,sotong sambal,cencaru bakar,udang goreng butter,ketam goreng kunyit and mesti ada otak-otak.Nom nom nom.*perut tengah lapar ni*

Around 12am balik hotel,sleep as well.Woke up and breakfast.As this is our first time to visit the historical places,(we went to Melaka quite several times already aaaa,I belajar dekat kolej matrikulasi sana bersama  sarah, tapi kelas lain-lain,and my sis pun ada sana)

But this time around our visit was quite different,tentatif dia lain.hehe.We went to A Farmosa,tapi dah senja masa tu.Me and my sisters with our one and only brother naik atas sana which was once a church.
A Farmosa was a famous one,built by Portuguese led by Alfonso d Albuquerque in 1511,this is among the remaining European architecture in Asia woooo.And this is one yang I still remember until today from my History subject.Heehe.Yang lain tak usah cakap lah,OUT!ekeke

Okay lepas tu,kita pergi Muzium Samudera.All I can say is it is about perdagangan di Melaka sejak zaman Parameswara and Hang Tuah as the most menyerlah Laksamana and so on..

Makan cendol jam besar,famous one.I saw ada keratan akhbar which mean gerai ni pernah masuk paper derrr.Lu ade?Hehe.Murah pulak tu,most of us makan cendol pulut.Cost us only RM 2.70/1.70 per mangkuk.Tak ingat.KL ada harga macam tu?Nan hadoooo..

Tunggu cendol pulut.Dahaga..

This is cendol pulut.Very sedap.Ummph!:D

Dah kenyang tu pergi jalan-jalan and balik KL.That's it.Our weekend:)

p/s:lepas ni dah rajin nak update blog sebab baru buat masuk nuffnang.Hehe

Thanks for dropping by.:)

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Assalamualaikum and good day.:)

Dah lama tak update blog,hari tu alasan busy study kan,ni dah habis final exam pun tak juga update.Busy apa lagi?hehe.

Ada benda penting nak share dekat sini.
Hari tu,lepas final exam,rasa macam nak sambung study.Unfortunately,di Malaysia tak ada lagi Masters in Science of Paramedic which my bachelor's degree was.And then dengan semangat berkobar-kobar, aku google la untuk cari kan.Then dapat jumpa one or two.Apa lagi,terus apply.Isi form online dengan ketabahan yang tinggi.I chose the one in UK,University of Hertfordshire.Anyone knows about this uni,kindly provide me some info.Huhu.

But masa isi ni dalam hati aku macam fikir saje suka suki je isi,tak la harap sangat dapat tempat since my undergrade punya result was not satisfying.
God knows best,today I received the email saying that I've got the place to study there,which will be in September 2011.So nak tanya pendapat yang baca ni,should I proceed or should I gain working experience first?
But the problem is,tak tahu pula nak ke tak nak...

Ya ALLAH,bantulah aku untuk membuat keputusan yang tepat.Ameen..